As You Are Zine Issue #1

As I mentioned in my last post, As You Are #1 is done! First, I would like to say that if you don’t know what a zine is, it’s basically a self-published magazine that anyone can make about anything.

As You Are is the first zine I’ve done since 2010, which is crazy. I basically went an entire year without publishing a zine. I did actually work on a few throughout 2011, but I kept disliking the content and ended up never finishing them. THis zine however, I am very happy about, and I really feel like it’s something I need to do. Rather than just talking about my life, I am also incorporating (hopefully) inspirational and motivating pieces. I have learned a lot this past year, and I really want to share it with others. I literally can never think the same way again. I will never be able to get to the point of being so unhappy that I want to die. I know better now, and I really want to try to help others who are going through similar things that I did. Along with my last post, I have been thinking about making it a blog and podcast, but I’m still unsure. On one hand I want it to be something bigger than just a zine and I want people to get involved. But on the other hand, I want to be humble about it, and just keep it as my zine. Anyway, here is the little description for As You Are #1:

Part perzine, mostly inspirational zine, As You Are is my attempt to spread even just a seed of happiness to the world. Through it, I hope to help motivate, and remind people that they are not alone. Everything I write comes from experience, and what I have learned so far in my life.

Issue one contains some writing about happiness, waiting for the future, and how amazing we are. Also a few (probably lame) poems, and a fictional story I wrote. Some of my art is scattered throughout, as well as a contribution from my awesome cousin! There is also a list, a bit about my life up until this point, book and movie recommendations, and a challenge for you!

This zine is 1/2 page size, and 20 pages long. It is in black and white with a color cover.

So yes, you can buy it here, or feel free to ask me about trades. I’m on We Make Zines as well. That is about it. Have a lovely day!
